Originally Posted by DrUnKeN_TiGeR
i agree i have many apps to for my tp and i havent purchased any of them... the iphone isnt worth having without jailbreaking i attempted to jail break a friends iphone and it just made me nervous... dont know if it was because it wasnt mine or what.. i have a custom rom on my tp... BUT i had many programs on my tp without any customization right out of the box... just seems easier.. yea i hate microsoft but seems that they rule the computer world so..... idk i just hate that all these developers are spending all their time on the iphone and forgetting about the winmo community damnit we have heen here longer show us some love to...
To be honest i Jailbroken an Iphone and its not really that "scary"
You download the proper software, follow directions you will be able to jailbreak it no problem....but yea....Microsoft needs to step it up big time! they need to stop looking around other companies and they should come up with something of their own......of course the Iphone is a phone targeting the average consumer versus TP is targeting the Business field more then the average consumer.......but you know what? I used the iphone......its too easy to use therefore it will get boring very very quick! and as far as the big screen......well you saw the TP2 and Diamond 2 that are coming out.....remember we have a 5 row keyboard and they don't