Originally Posted by digital0verdose
I am using it as a pop as my work email is taking over the activesync for my Treo.
I know the mail2web service can be used via POP because it was working just a couple days ago.
I use mail2web for my gmail accounts, but since there are issues with those emails staying in my inbox (poutlook) I had to find another method to keep track of those emails.
Now if there is a way to have my Treo use activesync to sync to multiple accounts, that will work, but it doesn't appear to be able to do so.
I think you have pretty poor setup, imo and are confused in regards to email protocols e.g. the differences between IMAP, IMAP/IDLE, POP3 and Exchange.
(1) Gmail does POP access, so why bother forwarding it one account? Just create 5 separate Gmail inboxes.
(2) If you want 1 inbox for x Gmail accounts, just get an IMAP account (like AIM or Fastmail.fm, both are free IMAP, non-Exchange) and then forward your gmail to those.
(3) POP access is awful and kills battery life. IMAP is much more efficient.
I just don't understand
why you need Mail2web for a non-activesync/Exchange account when you are not using it for that purpose. It's a waste and clearly doesn't work very well.
Furthermore, if you want an additional Push solution, just sign up for AIM or Fastmail.fm, forward your mail to that account and then use VGSMail for PPC, which does IMAP/IDLE. That is your Push alternative.