I know some of these are known issues. Not stopping me from using MR5 4/25 #1 (not the last update). It's working really good except for the issues you listed. I have no ring issues btw. Next release will be that much better.
Originally Posted by peepeesea
OK so i hope this hasn't been addressed but in 1000+ pages I'm sure it has...
i just flashed to the latest release from 4/25 and i have done a hard reset and not installed any other progs yet...
SMS has some funky issues.
1. if i leave a convo open... say i'm waiting on a response... it wont mark the txt as read unless i close the convo and the reopen it.. so basicly it keeps flashin the LED's and the text stays bold unilt i close out and then go back which is anoying, sms used to mark it as read as soon as you responded
2. so in landscape mode if i close the convo to mark the txt as read like i said above, the list of convos (in landscape) does not resize it self to fit the screen. its fine if i open sms and the slide but if i open a convo then close it in land scape is when i messes up.
3. biggest problem: if i open a convo to respond the curser does not put its self in the txt entry box it selects the incoming txt automaticly, so for every txt i have to put the cursor in the txt entry box
with the start menu..
when the phone is locked, it always locks up or can decide between transparent or black. not a problem really just stupid and annoying
so i hope no one FREAKS out because this has been discussed, just point me to the thread