Originally Posted by aaron130
It changes all the font to something I never seen, it looks like a bunch of squares,LOL. But I have a cab that I used and it did it so instead I uninstalled and just installed my java cab then went to the www.operamini.com from myopera browser on my phone and it says download opera mini so I click that and it automatically intalls right into java,. I am transfering the opera mini cab to my computer now and Illpost it for you. Its actually opera mini AND java together, you dont need java installed with this cab.
EDIT: Here ya go rstoyguy! By the way, Im LOVING the rom! I would love to see a 6.5 rhodium rom from you!!
I OEM'd 4.2 last november, I'm currently flashing to test it. Do we meet the java requirements for mini opera on this rom?
I haven't had the time to play with 6.5 yet... I flashed a random rom to play with it, and it was not on my device very long...