Re: Asurion now replacing the Touch for the Diamond
You Sprint people are lucky, Alltels throwing Titans at me saying it the same thing. Don't get me wrong the Titan's all right, but with half the ram and the set back screen going from a touch to a titan aint for me. My brothers screen went on his touch and thats what alltel gave him as a replacment. After I loaded roms on it and saw the preformance diffrence between his old phone and it I tried taking it back for him, but they wouldn't accept it. It was less than an hour since he had gotten the phone too. After causing a small scene I decided to try to upgrade my phone and give him my touch. I had to activate a new line to do it, but I knew my oldest brother was having problems with ATT charging him roaming everywhere after they bought out Cell One here in Ohio ( 50 unlimited plan went to 150). So I did that paid like $400 at the store was supposed to get a rebate, but i lost my reciept. Then 2 weeks later my touch I gave to my brother got stolen and so i did the claim over the phone (didnt know you could the model you were getting) went to couple diffrent alltel stores and they wont give a touch because they have him in the system for the titan now. So he never paid the $100 deductable to get the phone. He eventually bought a sprint TP off craigslist (we survived the meeting lol) and I activated it on Alltel. Long story short F*** Alltel too bad they have an awesome network now, with goo phone.