Originally Posted by jtrag
The server isn't down. The files just aren't there anymore for some reason.
Let me explain what has happened...
Couple days ago, Mike released his first "official" (to him at least) Windows 6.5 ROM... and... the pandemic crowd not only crashed PPCGeek's server, it also murdered (a very nasty way) the host, Little Rico's hosting server (RIP).
Next day he got a nasty angry protest letter from the hosting demanding him either to remove ALL those files which you are trying to download right away or face termination because he "violated the ToS (Term of Services)".
So panic and frustrated, Little Rico decided decided to give his hosting both of his birds and tell them to kiss his butt goodbye while he seeks the other hosting.
That is why, you can't download them right now because his domain and content is still lost in space... space... space... space... space...
Sit back and wait, it will be back.