Originally Posted by lordshadowz
In my help post click on the Radio link provided. You will find the stock Verizon radio in there.
Just remember you most likely will need to hard reset after the radio update. It will relock your gps. Atleast thats what I've found.
Also there is another way without hard resetting though I don't recommend it it does work.. Download llbored's gps v2 fix cab. Install to device. Use File explorer and go into the Windows Directory and run the ppst tool and let it offline your new radio and upgrade it to unlock the gps. Then do another *228 and check all the GPS settings again.
It will work but I do recommend a hard reset if your GPS dont work after a Radio upgrade.
I followed your steps to the T and it still doesn't work as far as getting GPS to work on my Verizon TP. I don't want to risk going back to the stock radio. I want to use the radio where I can not pay for GPS
I just don't know what else there is to try... Which method are you using to hard reset your TP? I'm really reaching at this point lol.