>Easier way to change your background<
- Thanks to volDeus
>How to Disable Landscape<
- Thanks to abumhmmd1
>How to remove the Start Bar<
- Thanks to hbenz2008
>I can't see much of my wallpaper, what dimension should I make it?<
- Thanks to ayinde6
>How to add TASKMANAGER page to carousel<
- Thanks to hbenz2008
>How to add TASKMANAGER page to carousel for the non French Speaking people<
- Thanks to typex
>How to add Holidays in your Calendar<
- Thanks to Lucas0511
In Outlook 2007 on your PC, activate local holidays for your given country in tools/option/calendar options/add holidays/choose country. Sync over activesync, holidays will appear in MS3 calendar.
>How to scroll left and right from professional layout<
- Thanks to Nicaraguense
>How to add more pages/screens to lifestyle layout<
- Thanks to divi786 for this regedit:
Change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Widgets\HomeScreen\PageCount value to number of screens
>How to customize the launcher screen<
- Thanks to syrguy1969 for this:
If you want to create another folder in that bottom right blank space:
- HKLM\Software\SPB Software House 2\SPB Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\
- Create a new key called whatever you want your new folder to be.
- Copy the contents of the 'My Shortcuts' key into the one you just created
- Change the value of the 'Text' string to be the name of the folder.
If you want to change the order of the folders:
Changing the 'Index' value changes which position in the grid the folder appears (0 is top left, 8 is bottom right). The 'Image' value will change the icon as follows:
0 = Toolbox
1 = Phone with envelope
2 = Globe
3 = Calendar
4 = Shortcuts
5 = Program Folder
6 = Camera and clapperboard
7 = Cog/Spanner
You can also rename any of the existing folders by going to that same key and changing the 'Text' string in the relevant key. You don't have to rename the key itself but may want to for consistency.
>How to add new configurable panel in the carousel?<
- Thanks to Murasan
>How to change panels name:<
HKLM\Software\Spb Software House2\Spb Mobile Shell\NowScreen\Panels
and inside there are 12 keys (folders) numbered 0 to 11, inside modify
text value to whatever you want to call it.
>How to point your SMS to a custom SMS program<
- Thanks to itouch24
Change key labeled
1 to your SMS Program exe file
"\Program Files\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"
Note: Dont forget the "", they are important.
>How to allow adding/removing icons more menus<
- Thanks to diomark
HKLM\Software\SPB Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root
You will see a key (folder) for each of the menus.
If you go into 'My Shortcuts' you will notice it has a DWord called Add set to true (1).
Go back up and create this same Dword in each of the other keys (folders).
Now when you go back into the menus and tap the bottom right arrow you will see you now have the 'add' options!
If you want to remove a subfolder (for example Media Player from the Multimedia menu) just go into the Multimedia key in the registry and delete the 'Media Player' key altogether.
>How to make a wallpaper on ALL your page<
- Thanks to Apothehouse
>How to map hardware button to "Contacts Carousel"<
- Thanks to Lucas0501
go to windows/start menu/programs/spb mobile shell and make a duplicate of the spbcontacts.lnk or an other one.. change the link properties to "\Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\MenuLauncher.exe" -cmd:"dlg|:MANAGEFAVS" then map it to a button.
>How to Add SPB Menu button to main screen<
- Thanks to Lucas0501
Call SPB Menu from the main screen, with a button between Launcher and Contacts buttons on the bottom
- use attached cab from this THREAD
Caution: This will overwrite your qa_layouts.dat customizations, so make a backup!
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.