Originally Posted by Isriam
some carriers require more than just non carrier specific. Take cricket for example, you need arcsoft + registry edits + mortscript to make MMS work properly. That is why carrier specific roms work great sometimes 
you need the same for metro.. your not gonna find a rom for a touch pro that will already have the wap and mms settings already to go... your gonna have to re-do those each time you flash a new rom.. but flashing a sprint/verizon what ever rom will not reset your device to that carrier as the post a cppl ppl up said..it will just give you apps that are carrier specific such as say sprint tv..which would be worthless for metro/cricket flashed Touch Pro.... I keep the arcsoft .cab always and just redo the wap/mms settings over as they arent dificult once you learn how to do them :_)