HTC touch pro need help
Ok so I been reading allot on this board and now I need you guy's help!
I downloaded the Mighty5 from the update section and I want to install it into my pro.
So I did the hard reset, also I down loaded this software like 3 times but not working! I can see it on my memory card but it does not let me install it. when I down loaded from website or even copy from my CPU to my memory card it does not load as a zip drive? I see the windows ICON and the message I get is (there is no application associated with might5, ron the application first then open this file from with in the appication) So I go to my explore folders and look for the file mighty5 but can not find! What am I doing wrong? please help. Alos I have down loaded from the website to my cell and when it finishes down loading the same window ICON come up and I click on it and says the same thing.
I thank you for your help in advance and by the way great website and I really like this phone allot.
Thank you