Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB
Wyl610, what prob exactly are you having with your Music tab? It works just fine. If your music isnt showing up, go to library/all songs and selct the top song then all songs will show up in touchflo.
Stoney, the comment Pixel was talking about from Mike, came before Whatsleft4her offer to give up is former Diamond to Mike. I think.
Ringtone problem...still dont have one, I use mp3's, amr, and stock tones and experience no problems, my wife on the other hand loses her ringtone daily. The conversion "fix" isnt a fix in my mind, its a bandaid. A winmo phone should have no problems playing every type of sound format supported by the Diamond, and untiil it plays them all without fail, its not fixed.
And to all who who preach patience with Mike....Word!
Last edited by TREmp77; 04-27-2009 at 01:53 PM.