What to do...
Hey guys- been lurking for a while, but just registered, and here is my first post. Hope someone here has some advice for me!
I recently lost my HTC 6800 that had Alltel service - I made the insurance claim and got a new Touch Pro (great phone BTW). Well, turns out I had left it between some sofa cushions at a friends house and he found it about a month later - now I'm wondering if I can sell it for anything? I assume Alltel enteret "lost/stolen" under the ESN, so not sure if it can be reactivated - I'd hate to sell it on Ebay or wherever, and then get a negative feedback when it can't be activated. Should I just sell it for parts, or see if Alltel will pay me anything for it? I don't want them to try and get me to give back the Touch Pro - what should I do? Thanks for any advice!