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Old 04-26-2009, 10:55 PM
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Auto Word Correction

So Ive looked through probably thousands of threads here and got lots of good info and apps.

Ive read about the auto word correction tweak "old school word correction"..

Is that just where the suggested words are listed under what you've started to type?

Or does it correct misspelled words or add apostrophes etc. For example on my blackberry if I wrote.. "i wont see u" it would automatically change it to
"I won't see you" the u to you because it let you add your own. Like I am from the south and say ya'll alot so i programmed it to automatically put in that apostrophe.

So is that what "old school" does? Cause I never had a Mogul. And if not can this be done at all? I got so slack in my typing esp with capatilizing and even the double space to add a period thing. If thats what it is then great, if not and this could be dont that would be awesome.

Also, is ther a way to view "all activity" for one contact? I know you can view all calls but can you view all calls, texts, emails, everything?
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