Schenley I have heard that USB 1.1 is a no-no. A brick kiln from what I've seen. Search for "USB 1.1".
Omega Ra I have a slight problem.
I'm gonna remove and reinstall Finger Keyboard while you take a look at my keyboard. Notice that
k and
l keys have no upper or "hold" function. They do enter j, k or l if pressed, but I only get a click if held - no entry on screen. Also the only thing visible below the last row of keys is a partial key shown "EN". The functions work, IE. spacebar, enter and arrows.
Yep, remove and reinstall. The keyboard was fine until I replaced the skin files.
Still, thanks for the skins. Hopefully we'll finger it out.
I wasn't born in Texas but I got
back here as soon as I could.
Melancholia by Verizon

Adryn CF03 V2.0 8GB/16GB µSDHC
WM 6.5 Pro CE OS 5.2.23008 (23008.5.3.0)
Another Proud Member of FA. Time since last relapse: < One Day (at a Time).
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