Originally Posted by Lienus
You will download to your pc first, you can get the step by step instructions here, http://theidoctor.org/omnia.html since you will need to install that beta rom first. Download the stuff from the sidebar first and follow the instructions step by step. After you've done that just go to the faq on the first page and follow the instructions at the bottom of the first post and you'll be good to go.
I didn't remove my card when installing though I imagine it wouldn't hurt. I'm new to this too so I can't say for sure, it installed perfectly though. And the 1.0 rom will run on the stock omnia user interface, 1.0m2d will run off of the manilla 2d interface if I'm not mistaken. Again I'm new to this so if anyone reads this correct me if I'm wrong. 
Thanks for the reply Lienus. I'm having a problem, though. After downloading the file, when I try to open it, my computer says "cannot open file". It wants to look for a program to open it like WINZiP7 and when I'm directed to the site, there is a charge of $29.99 for that program. Is this a necessary program to purchase in order to do these things. Also, Mega Upload wants a fee for the premium download option instead of the standard download option which could take over an hour to download. What's your take on these programs? Is everybody in the same boat in regards to these things? Once again, probably sounding very naive, but just very new to all of this and I really don't want to screw up anything. Thanks.