I'm glad to hear that you are not having any real issues with the WM6 release. However, the problems that some of us are having doesn't involve ANY of the programs you installed.
I, personally, have flashed my phone many times and with great success. Helmi_c's WM6 is so freakin new (and awesome) that there are just some bugs that needs to be worked out, that's all. Looking forward to version 2 or a kitchen!
Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins
all of you that are having so many issues must be either doing something wrong, not following the simple instructions or installing a program that is conflicting.
I have the following programs installed, and my setup is near flawless. I am not having any of these issues that are being reported. The only trouble I did have was a conflict using weatherpanel, I can do w/o WP.
Trianglepowers BT Audio
MS Office Communicator
Spb pocket +
Google maps
Bluefrog Big button dialer
screen capture
total commander
thanks again Helmi for the awesome ROM!
Samsung Intrepid 6.5
4GB MicroSD
Sprint 3rd party vendor plan: 3000 mins, N/W 7pm, Unlimited TXT and DATA = $25/mo.