Is there an easy way to edit or change built in icons? I configured the first panel for Lifestyle Home so it looks just like Professional Home except I added the wireless manager and it just sticks out like a sore thumb. I found that the .dat files in the Program Files folder contain bitmaps that I'm guessing contain icons, but they're password protected. I'm just looking for a more subtle low key icon but I have no idea how I'd assign it to the wireless manager.
Originally Posted by yearn
You can add as many extra pages to the today screen as you want with this registry tweak-->
hklm/software/spb software house 2/spb mobile shell/widgets/homescreen
change "pagecount" to desired number
I got mins set to 5 and it works great!
If anyone has any cool backgrounds for 3.0 I started a new thread to post em' in.
The issue I was having was with adding to My Shortcuts, but with this I added more panels to Lifestyle Home so it works just as well, thanks!