Originally Posted by mightymike
The easiest way to tell if a rom has TOUCHFLO cooked in with 6.5 is to swing the menu's around.
With 6.5 u can literally pull the start menu off the screen and see its "elasticity"
with touchflo enabled u only allows you to pull a real small bit.
it's hard to explain but it makes sense. lol
Not sure if that is what you mean, but I noticed a sometimes annoying behavior. If you swipe the stylus to select a portion of text on the screen, sometimes the gesture makes the screen to roll sideways to the next tab, for example.
At the Phone Options, where you define your voicemail number, if you select the default number (your own number) from right to left, you will be sent to the next tab (Services).
It should be able to differentiate finger/stylus gestures...