I had a similar issue that bobbenedetti had. I had flashed to the updated sprint stock rom and then to the groove rom prior to the final with zero issues. Then last night I upgraded to the groove final and went to set up titanium weather and my phone froze. Reset and it wouldn't boot. After four hours of hard resets (9 out of 10 times it would freeze during customization or setting up the finger keyboard) and trying to get to the rainbow screen (which I never could) from the sticky about how to fix it I was finally somehow able to get my phone to finish the install which at that point I promptly reinstalled the upgraded sprint rom and then back to Groove final and have had no issues. So sometimes I guess you get lucky?!?! And I've flashed my phone several times with zero issues but I think since the weather was being implemented differently it was looking for the config file in the wrong place so that caused my lock up and heck if I know why it locked up the other times during the keyboard setup. Regardless lesson learned and nice rom!