Originally Posted by letsgoflyers81
I'm having an issue and I wonder if it's just me or if it's a bug. When adding to My Shortcuts I can fill up the screen with nine and it's fine. If I try to add more they show up and I can scroll to see them, but it messes up the order. When I add a shortcut after the ninth it starts inserting them after the first shortcut, it doesn't continue after nine. It's annoying because I want them in a specific order. Has anyone else seen this, and does anyone know how to fix it?
You can add as many extra pages to the today screen as you want with this registry tweak-->
hklm/software/spb software house 2/spb mobile shell/widgets/homescreen
change "pagecount" to desired number
I got mins set to 5 and it works great!
If anyone has any cool backgrounds for 3.0 I started a new thread to post em' in.