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Old 04-24-2009, 10:55 PM
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No Data connection..

my phone has voice.. but refuses to dial any data connection be it 1x or evdo..

The last thing I did when it went out (thought it was a network outage) and my carrier just told me it was

- Was internet sharing via bluetooth.. (and it was working fine and than just stopped)

- I have reset it numerous times (obviously)
- I have called my provider and found that 1 is set active profile.. (in mls)
- I think the problem has something to do with the dialer..
#777 whenever I do data.. I don't see the dialer come up.. but I see weird flash's on the 1x bar.. like it's trying to do something.. (my provider.. sprint says it's set properly)

This the rom I have..
- might rom 4.10 (I believe)
- sprint radio 1.04f (I believe)

The only recent software I've tried is wmwifirouter 1.35? and that worked okay accept it always drained my battery and refused to plug-in power.. which was actually why I switched to bluetooth.. and that was the last time i know off data worked..
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