Originally Posted by hansk75
Thank you Calku for your great ROM and Kitchen.
Anyway, I have noticed few issues with 4.6.3 / 4.6.4. Regardless of what I choose, I always get 4 row start menu when I cook my own rom. Unticking 4row start menu seems not to have any effect on which start menu you are getting. Also Titanium Weather is cooked in even if I don't choose it. Another problem with TW is that it does not refresh days other than the current weather and always display 'Sat' 'Sun' 'Mon' 'Tue'. Anybody having the same issue? I also noticed the connection is showing as being always connected when using 3D icons but Misfortune's OEM seems to be OK.
i have a cab for using the 3 row start menu which i just dump the file into the specified sys folder. i'll upload the file if you want and let you know into what folder to dump it to.
also as far as tw. i have an oem that was supplied to me that included tw v3a and opera panels. i modified it to use the new version of tw v3.1 and opera panels. and i havent had any problems like what you are talking about.