Metro PCS GPS settings
I am grateful for shadow-tech to compile all this useful info. Unfortunately, I have Metro PCS on a HTC Vogue, and the settings for Metro PCS provided in Post #2 (provided by fred_dj) don't work for me.
I am not sure if I am supposed to change the PDE IP and PDE Port values in QPST/gpsone, and the values given in Post#2 for MetroPCS provide Server Ip and Server Port (which are in the registry). I changed them nevertheless and have all the settings done, to no avail. emartinez has a post here describing how he did it without changing any alltel settings, but I need more details. Anybody have it successfully running GPS on metroPCs on Mogul//Vogue? Please post the following if it works for you:
1. QPST - did you uncheck all boxes, or check them completely, or partially?
2. QPST - what settings are you using for PDE port, PDE IP, PDE transport and Position calculation.
3. Registry - what settings are you using (Alltel or Metro) based on the post #2 here? What is your server IP, GPS mode, and server port under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\SUPL AGPS ?
4. Location Setting under "Phone\menu\options...\Services\Location Setting" set to ON?
5. GPS settings under "start/settings/system/external gps" Program Tab: Com 4
Hardware Tab: gps hardare port= none, baudrate = 4800 baud
Access Tab: check 'manage gps automatically'. Did you leave these ON?
Thanks for the help.
Last edited by anithinks; 04-24-2009 at 02:48 PM.
Reason: Title change