Originally Posted by bkpatel7
What is the advantage to a higher Page Pool? I went with 16MB, the same as Copper and I felt that was good as it was. I'd also like to know anyone's thoughts on a higher pagepool.
Pagepool is the amount of MBytes you want to assign your phone to run the OS. Technically the more the better, sometimes cranking it too high, has a reverse affect. Keep in mind the more it takes to run the less you have for running apps on top of each other.
For sprint we have a little more room than the TP's from Verizon. So we can change it to 20-24mb on the pagepool. I am actually looking to see where everyones comfortable point is at.
MightyMike feels like 16MB is were it works best.
Try it out and see.
P.S. Again if you have Verizon, I am sorry...