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Old 04-24-2009, 09:45 AM
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Question Upgrade To Newer Touch Flo 3D?

Im interested in having the newer version of Touch Flo 3D from the Touch Pro 2/HD/Diamond 2 on my Verizon Touch Pro. Is it possible to add this to the stock ROM that comes on verizons pro or would you absolutely have to flash the rom?

I've never flashed a rom before so i was wondering what are the advantages/disadvantages of flashing from the stock ROM? when u flash do you still get all the applications that came on the stock rom? how do you go back to the stock rom if u wanted to take the phone back to the store or whatever?

has anyone successfully added the newer touch flo 3d on a verizon touch pro? how does it work? any problems or anything?
thanks for any help
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