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Old 04-24-2009, 07:45 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

So another update. Please read below to get an Idea of what I've been doing. I'm trying to keep a running log to make it easier for people to also try things and for Mighty Mike and Lilrico to keep up.

I changed the sounds in the beginning of the shift. Phone was off most of the night. I got a few text messages thismorning. The 1st one came through fine, subsequent ones made no sound. Also E-mail made no sound. I go into notifications and settings and my selections did not switch, do not report corrupted, however when you press the play button to sample them they make no sound. Switching to previously selected ones also still make no sound. Soft reboot doesn't make them play sounds. It seems when the device is off/asleep a sound will work once or twice then no longer work. The other thing is the ringtone selection always works fine and has not changed AND all the sounds that make no noise under the other notifications, the ones that stop working, actually make sound when you select them as a ringtone. They sample fine. I'm trying something new thismorning. I remember Mighty Mike saying he selected Alarm-Dawn for the alarm because of something with the HTC notifications. I want to see if that has something to do with this. So I selected Alarm-Dawn for all notifications and I've put the device to sleep. I will wait a while and send myself some e-mails and text and MMS messages and see what happens.

So still changing everything to .wav files makes it so you no longer get the Corruption notice.. I just wonder why they stop making noice after a use except for when they are selected as a ringtone in which they always work.
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Ok so after doing some reading, other people have had luck with the corrupted sound issue by converting the ringers and notification sounds to wav files and then transferring and selecting them in settings/notifications. I love the actual sounds that Mighty Mike has selected in Mighty Rom 5 so I wouldn't need to change the ones used, however I can honestly say I've never ever converted sound files or messed with sound files. I'm willing to learn. Is there a freeware app you can use to convert them to wav files ?

If anyone wants to convert the default files to wav and post them that would be cool too.

And damn there goes my notifications again... LOL They been working fine since I hard reset earlier. I been texting my daughter... She just messaged me again and bam no sounds..

Really aggravating..
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I've used a converter program called Eusing free converter. I converted every .wma file in the Windows/Rings folder to .wav

I deleted all .wma files in the rings folder, replace them with the .wma files and went into Notifications/settings and reselected every sound and notifications with the new .wav sounds and soft rebooted. Lets see how it goes.
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For anyone interested I started a conversation about the whole sound file corruption issue. You can read them here:

Follow up here:

So far so good. the converted .wav files are loud and clear and working perfectly. The key might be to convert them all deleting the .wma files then reselecting every notification again. All notifications appear to be making sounds and no corruptions. I am in a conversation with 3 people via text message. I have E-mail running in the background, as new e-mails come thru the sound activates and MSIE 8 running also. I'm trying to tax the device to see what happens. If anyone wants to add me to their MSN Messenger list feel free to do so. My nick is
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Originally Posted by lordshadowz
So continuing the Sound File corruption from the following post:

I've been talking for the past hour on MSN Messenger with a few PPCgeekers, Many text messages, I got phone calls with voice messages left and reveived MMS pix messages.. All sounds are working and no corruptions whatsoever. What I did find though, and its not a problem, is that after reselecting the notification sounds with the new .wav files, some didn't make a noise. I simply selected another wav file that did sound and it worked.

For instance Receive MMS was alert 3.. When you click to play it nothing happened. I found another that when you clicked play it did play so I selected that one and after that it worked everytime I got an MMS.

I think this is the deal. I made a .rar file of all the wav files but unfortunately its 65 megs and can't upload it here.. if anyone wants me to send it to them if they could host it ?

I am leaving for work.. lets hope throughout the night I don't get the file corruption. Also as Compusmurf said previously in another post, the ringer works faster with the wav file.. Its pretty nice..

I hope you see this Mighty Mike and Lilrico and Juicy.

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[quote=lordshadowz;873001]well this is interesting.

So im at work. the phone has been shut off . It auto shuts off after 5 minutes. I hit the power button and the d pad is lit up saying I have a message. I received text messages but I know the phone should have made sounds. I go to notifications and nothing is corrupt. ringtone plays fine. But and this is the interesting part. ALL of the notifications I personally set before, in all categories except for the ringtone have changed themselves to alarm-3. And that wav file doesnt make a noise so the alerts didnt go off. As I said previously i converted all sounds to .wav, deleted all the .wma files and replaced them with the wav files. When selecting a notification i found that not all the wav files will play or make a sound when you select them. You had to find one that did make a sound and use it. For ringtones all sounds worked though.

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Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

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VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09

Last edited by lordshadowz; 04-24-2009 at 07:58 AM.