Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
Originally Posted by Dragonman
Same here. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I need a stable device to show my customers...I flashed to Mighty 5 today and back to 4.16 tonite due to the following issues:
1. Keyboard Lag so bad it actualy froze the phone
2. after a Phone call I couldn't get the Start menu to come up
3. The weather was WAY off it was 55 degrees here today, the weather tab showed 10 degrees for any city in Mich I checked
4.There is no Sprint Nav app which I use often (not a problem but more hassle downloading)
I LOVED the Interface but the KB lag was unberable so back to 4.16 for now.
I'm not upset just sad it won't work for me...YET!
I have great faith that these issues will get fixed eventually till then 4.16 is still freakin awesome
Was your weather in celsius? 10 Celsius is about 50 fahrenheit
Originally Posted by turbochris
I really need to stop f'n with this phone. I've stopped eating, stopped watching Tv and lost interest in jumping in the sack with the wife. I need an intervention.
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