Originally Posted by jp3600k
gave up on 6.5 till new release comes out going back to 4.16 
Same here. As I mentioned earlier in this thread I need a stable device to show my customers...I flashed to Mighty 5 today and back to 4.16 tonite due to the following issues:
1. Keyboard Lag so bad it actualy froze the phone
2. after a Phone call I couldn't get the Start menu to come up
3. The weather was WAY off it was 55 degrees here today, the weather tab showed 10 degrees for any city in Mich I checked
4.There is no Sprint Nav app which I use often (not a problem but more hassle downloading)
I LOVED the Interface but the KB lag was unberable so back to 4.16 for now.
I'm not upset just sad it won't work for me...YET!
I have great faith that these issues will get fixed eventually till then 4.16 is still freakin awesome