Originally Posted by Juicy47
barring any major updates, this will be my last update for a while.
Thanks for taking the time. Your definitely right about the professional description of your ROM. As much fun as I have with my phone it also bridges the gap between me and my business and my employees (and my) paycheck. I think the TP Sprint stock was the best stock phone I've had, and I've been doing this with the 6700, 700wx, 6800, 6900, and now the tp. I tried a few early ROM's but went back to stock because I need something that works "out of the box". Anyway, I'll quit rambling since I've had a few too many ****tails tonight, but just wanted to let you know your ROM is by far the best choice for professionals. Thanks man!
edit: apparently i needed to say crown on the rocks as ****tails must be offensive....