Originally Posted by HotSauce
Thanks. Just to be 100% sure, do I run the RomUpdateUtility from the TELUS FOLDER, or do just I copy the TELUS RUU_Signed.nbh and run it in the other RUU folder?
Just run it right from the telus folder. When you do it it will look EXACTLY like your doing a ROM flash but don't worry it won't hard reset your device.
Be advised though I did a Radio upgrade and found my GPS was relocked. You may end up having to do a hard reset anyways. Just FYI
Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v
My Custom R3BORN/MR5 TF3D mods-
My MR5
[HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09