Originally Posted by dowhatitdodo
If your opera favorites arent available goto:
HKLM\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Internet\FavoritesOpera
Change: Inactive = 1
Inactive = 0 will disable/hide
If Inactive doesnt exist, just create new DWORD Inactive = 1
Changing Index will change the order the shortcuts are displayed.
You can also enable/disable other Internet tab content in:
HKLM\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Internet
I hope this wasnt posted already...I searched Opera in this thread.
Looking around in the threads on SPB's website, it apparently only supports OEM Opera installations. Since my phone (Treo Pro) didn't come with Opera, I'm out of luck.
That's kinda bizzare tho... you'd think they'd be installed in the same folder regardless.