Originally Posted by Jinnai
I get the Messaging thing as well, but usually when I first start using the phone after I've had it locked for a while. I have yet to experience the corruption you're talking about, and I'm on Verizon hardware as well. The only two bugs I'm seeing with Mighty5 are the random Messaging popping up over the Start in the upper left (complete with X in the upper right) and the fact all my incoming text messages are ahead by an hour.
I don't have Voice Commander installed, just Verizon Arcsoft, nuebattery stuff, something to customize the weather stuff for TF3D, and a set of games. I do have Activesynch set up with both my computer and Google.
I have verizon too. A fter I flashed to 6.5 i experienced the ringtone corruption too. I had no other cabs loaded on my phone. It happened about an hour later. I had some mp3s on my sd card so i used the wav editor choped it down and set it as a ringer. Since then I have not had any issues. It has been 2 days not and I have loaded alot of cabs on.