[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]
"X-Alltel-MDN"="<you 11 digit cell number here>"
I think the hmac-md5-key code is our answer. I think that this is supposed to be sent to alltel to verify we are using their MMS software that came stock on the 6800, since it is unique for Alltel. So therefor my final answer to this problem is we need to get the software exported off of the 6800, and installed on a 6700. Therefor everything that need's to be sent to Alltel, will be sent.
Also on mine, it was X-VzW-MDN....on the 6800, it's X-Alltel-MDN.... I don't think the Verizon software is sending this anymore if we change X-VzW-MDN to X-Alltel-MDN. We just really need to get that software exported.... Who can do that?