Originally Posted by Drybonz
A couple more side notes... for anyone who is curious. You will not notice any battery improvement with the nueClock if you are using your phone a lot. Battery drain during use will be normal. It is designed to reduce drain while the phone is inactive (with backlight dim, or suspended). I have noticed some battery improvement, but the thing I like is that my device seems to be running cool as a cucumber.
Also... I have not seen the camera black screen bug yet on 1.6... anyone?
no camera bug, but as for heat issues, I think this is because when on a phone call the phone actually slows the processor speed down... at least to my understanding that is what is happening which makes sense because you don't need a who processor running at optimal performance during a phone call... But yeah better battery life even when talking on the phone... I talked for about 45 minutes today and phone has been off the charger for about 4 hours, a few texts, and still 85% battery life... I'm very happy with that....