Originally Posted by diabolic
This is weird. It just started happening last week and seems to be getting progessively worse each day. Before I continue I have 3 different batteries and it happens with all of them.
I plug my phone in before I go to bed (around 1:30am). When I wake up at 7am my phone is fully charged. I go downstairs and have breakfast, and when I come back upstairs the battery is dead. It started off just being a few bars down, and now I'm getting the battery warning. So in the course of maybe 15 mins the phone is apparently going from full charged to completely empty.
Something like this was happening before when I would try and charge the phone off a generic usb cord at night and after an hour there was less charge than when I plugged it in.
So either my phone is fuggered or the electricity in my house is running backwards, (which I don't think is he problem because when use my toaster the bread still comes out hotter than when I put it in.)
look @ the charger port, see if the little black thing that actually connects to the charger is intact and still straight, if you treat your chargers rough when you're pulling it out, i know it does some wear and tear on the thing the charger connects to.. i pull mine out pretty fast and it shows :/ not expert help but it's a start! haha