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Old 04-23-2009, 09:58 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by Sim-X View Post
I liked the new rom but I'm flashing back to 4.16 right now. I didn't like how my text message light still went off after replying to a message and also I notice that the directional pad doesn't work for scrolling through text messages. The phone also seemed slower than the previous build and I think tf3d should be on by default. (yes I did turn mine back on, but just a suggestion) I gave it a couple days but phone just seems more laggy (mostly notice in the texting area but even overall) and bugs in the texting just have to go back. I'll give it another go in a few builds from now. Still was an excellent rom but being it's a pretty new release gonna wait till it's tweaked a little more. Seems like if someone trys to report a bug it's either ignored or someone says it's your phone. I think there should be a "bug" or issues list on the main page cause I know the problem with texting is one of them but it just get buried in the thread within an hour. I also couldn''t get latitude to update by itself. It would just be nice to have a wiki on the front page so the same questions don't get asked over and over and people can report any issues and follow up that way.
Yeah... I know what you mean. I did my first round of heavy texting last night with 2 or 3 people at once. Wow! It's annoying... you have to keep going in and out of conversations to mark stuff as read. I kept marking the wrong ones as read and missed some stuff. This definitely needs to be on the Known issues lists. Probably go back to 4.16 due to this issue. Hopefully someone can figure out how to fix it.