Originally Posted by chuggy
Wow. you've done some nice testing in a short amount of time.
2. I removed mine with Ipaso's customizer
3. Havent seen the windows live panel yet
The rest I have noticed as well. I guess I should have mentioned that this is a Beta skin.
the wife is watching hgtv so that leaves me with the PC and the TP. another thing i noticed is this installs weather 2.1. 3a is out but installing that over this version shuts the whole thing down and you have ot remove everything and start over. i will play with it more tomorrow but so far i like it.
also i fixed issues 2 and 3 with reg edits. you go into HKLM\software\microsoft\chome\cvoicemail and change disabled to 1, copy that and past it into cphone. cwindowslive has the disabled key so you can just make that one 1 as well.
to fix 3 go to titaniumweather before you soft reset and delete and time key in the page 2 folder.