Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
Ok So I am beside myself still trying to figure out the Taskbar issue. As I reported earlier I am using the Windows 6.5 fixed TSOwen Taskbar and the new Nuepower CDMA battery driver. These were reported by 2 others that it works for them. But they do not work for me. They cause the background of the titanium home screen to change, you have to disable Titanium and rechoose the theme or background image. Also the Notification sounds will work at first but then after getting a message or several messages the sounds die and become corrupted. Earlier the only fix was to uninstall everything and revert to stock and soft reboot. So I've been trying to find a cause since 2 others said they worked great.
Device: Verizon TP
PP: 8
No UC or sashimi used.
I flash Mighty Rom 5. Set up customizations. Soft reboot.
Clear Storage, set up customizations, reboot
Reprogram Device. Soft reboot
Activesync Device. Soft reboot
Install Tsowen Taskbar 6.5 fixed cab. reboot
Install sdkcerts
Install NuePower CDMA battery driver. reboot
All notifications appear to work fine. no problems however BAM Background imagine on the defaut Mighty Mike titanium theme is gone and is black. I disable titanium, select a new background image. All is well.
Install Verizon Arcsoft MMS
Install sms160. reboot
All notifications still appear to work.
Install titanium customizer
install chome editor beta
Install MS Voice Command. Reboot
All Notifications seem to work.
I receive a second text message.. BAM.. No sounds. Nothing. Notifications stopped working. I go into Notifications and sound files are corrupted. Reboot.
UNINSTALL MS Voice Command. reboot
Sounds are back. I thought it might have been MS Voice command. Notifications work. But read on.
Install Nuekblight. reboot
Notifications work.
Install 4 row start menu. reboot
Install Feexplorer expander
Disable Titanium and install Titanium Weather and Contacts panels. Reboot and reactivate titanium.
Install a few games to SD card.
I set up the titanium weather panel and add contacts to the contact panel. Reboot.
Upon rebooting the device STOPPED charging. Even though it was plugged in the entire time upon this last reboot it would not start charging. I go to notifications panel and BAM.. All sounds corrupted AGAIN !
For giggles I reinstall MS Voice Command. Reboot
Notifications are back to working again. The device is freaking possessed.
I check my mail. do a few regedits and reboot.
Device stopped charging again and once again Notifications stopped working. Reboot
Remove Taskbar, remove nuepower driver. Revert to stock icons and power drivers. Reboot
Not a problem since.. all notifications work. I've installed more games and software. Device charges properly. Device notifications work properly.
You guys that say it works for you are crazy.. I'm so frustrated right now.. anyone else have any ideas ? Mighty Mike what do you think ? I know you were following my issue.
Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v
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My MR5 Review
VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09