Originally Posted by anthony67
Don't give up......I just flashed over to your rom and so far it seems real smooth. I haven't run into any bugs so far....although I haven't made any calls yet either. Good job, keep up the good work.
Originally Posted by sybe
another thought would be to cook in the stock dialer from the diamond without slide to answer, and then use the reg edit to lock the device when the screen goes out.
In theory it should both work, when i get home from work im going to try it, I'll post my results.
If you would like to try it out here is a dialer i believe should work.
PDAVIET Manila Dialer.cab
Removed due to flaw
After reading throu some thread on xda im not sure this is the answer.
What I said might have come out wrong lol. I'm not giving up totally but I am no longer cooking in HTC Dialer or HTC Volume control for the time being. Those are still in all the rom's currently uploaded (thru 21501 beta 2), but I am trying to find replacements for any future rom's. I don't see myself "throwing in the towel" on sharing wm6.5 rom's anytime soon tho. currently, I am messing with a mildly tweaked iphone dialer (attached if you wanna check it out). It definitely needs some work, but its usable right now. Portrait only tho...