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Old 04-22-2009, 02:06 PM
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Lightbulb Coming from Apple Ipod Touch to WinMo! The Mesha Story

Wow. I'm not a forward person. And I think I have at least half a brain. And when it comes to computers I'm usually pretty accurate. My college major was 3D Modeling and Interactive Design. I'm pretty good with softwares and thought myself pretty knowledgeable when I told my brother that his HTC Touch would never stand up to Ipod Touch.

I don't think I have ever been more wrong about anything in my life.

He gave it to me for Christmas last year because he upgraded to the Touch Pro. He's the type that keeps every piece that can in the box.

I was just so WRONG!

I couldn't believe I could get so many programs and modd so many aspects and get the REAL internet. Downloads and music editors, games and all for free! I was wondering why my brother laughed at me when I showed him my new found ipod feature. (I could save images from online to my ipod.) He laughed at the fact that I thought that was so good. I had jailbroken my apple device and still I kept running into Success-or-Brick methods that had me kinda shifty as to whether or not I wanted to try them. This was the cause of my now diagnosed ABS. (Apple Brick Syndrome) I was scared to try anything on my devices with fear that I would brick them. (I didn't mention that I hate unnecessary spending and to break my phone and have to buy another was just too much to bare) Sow hen I heard about cabs and how to install things, I was initially skeptical.

Well, I've come a long way.

Today I flashed my first rom, the WinMo 6.5. And yes, I am now diagnosed as a cell phone addict and Labeled "Our Personal Geek" at work.

I couldn't be happier....



PS: Thank You Microsoft.
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