i did the badboy download and it did not improve my volume...how do i do this exactly---->simply copy the audiopara3.csv file into your windows directory on your phone over writing the current one and soft reset?
i'm a lil slow so can u tell me exactly what needs to happen and how to do it? thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by badboy8813
just like the mogul,touch, and the Diamond...
thanks to marctronixx for testing and thanks to stroths for making the cab file
This file will BOOST earpiece, speakerphone, and bluetooth volume!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!
I have included a lighter boost file for those that thought it was too loud!!!
Install cab onto DEVICE ONLY and NOT to storage card and softreset!! ENJOY!!!
If the files don't help uninstall the cab and soft-reset and your vol. will go back to factory
***WARNING*** This will make your earpiece and speakerphone REALLY LOUD!!!!!!! I will not be responsible if you damage your speaker while using this********
UPDATE!!! Louder speakerphone .csv file has been uploaded!!! simply copy the audiopara3.csv file into your windows directory on your phone over writing the current one and soft reset!
If you like my work feel free to