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Old 04-22-2009, 06:54 AM
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Plz quote this at will today when I'm teaching and gone all day.
Hitting a brick wall? Ticked? Pissed? Head blowing up?

Well then read this post!

If this helps ya, let me know so I can continue!

--Voice Command is not in this Edition, but there is a cab.

--S2u2 doesn't play well currently with winmo 6.5 (plz tell me if someone fixes this) I'm trying 1.62 at the moment. Heard it works. I can't tho.

--To turn on TF3D goto "Start > Settings > Today > itmes >" as the Mighty King says

--MMike comment on the dialer contacts messing up. "The dialer contacts getting scrambled is windows mobile 6.5 not playing nice with the htc dialer." A solution by MiltonPro is to install the stock dialer.

--6.5 is different. take a little time and mess with it a little.

--Getting weather on your today menu! From Wasney's post and works!
"Weather slide from here:

--Devilstrider discovered just before I did, if you have the weather and the fav contacts today plugins within this post, it both won't work sometimes. Install weather first and then AT Contacts then you can have both tabs at the same time.

--Louder ringer fix according to the gospel of Mixxy
"search for "ppcgeeks audiopara" in google...and experiment"

--To get slide to answer(strictly for Pocket shield said MiltonPro) to work make sure the "Protect Incoming Calls" box is checked. It is located right above "Slide To Answer." Journeyman73 noted.

--The keyboard lag doesn't seem to have a resolution at the moment. Hold up, I'm sure there's someone bound to save us, perhaps Mighty himself?

--Make sure you hard reset after you flash, somehow in the past it resolves some bugs.

Plz quote this at will today when I'm teaching and gone all day.


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