Originally Posted by lnchbx13
Is anyone else having the problem in WM6.5 using Tsowens taskbar 6 6.5 icons where the OK button no longer shows up, instead everything has an X button?
Thats the only issue I've ran into. Same on copper and Juicy's latest version 7
Originally Posted by lilflip21
I have same problem on Juicy 7 and MightyRom5 I tried to search but havent seen an answer are we currently just awaiting a fix for this?
Anyone know what .dll file that OK image is stored in?
Looks like this was just a problem with the groups. I have fixed the dll. FYI it is shellres.192.dll, 4610. I have attached the DLL, a cab installer of just the DLL (will require soft reset) and Tsowen's 6 Elite TB for 6.5 with the shellres fixed. Pick your flavor.
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