Originally Posted by liquidi3ladz
Last sunday my sprint tp on vzw hard reseted and it cleared my MSL back to sprint's msl. I lost all the changes I made in EPST and QPST. Anyway did you try reloading the 10 key? w/ QPST before you requested a dmu reset? Also I think you can find the steps on ppchaven or smartphonejunkie. I forgot where, use google.
How do I apply the 10key? I have the file, I know my way around QPST a fair bit by now, I just don't where to apply/upload that file to.
As far as searching goes, without more specific guidelines, searching will do me no more good. I've searched for a week and a half now. 90% of what I've done is was common sense to me. Getting help with having the MEID put into the MDM was the biggest step, and I HAD to get help from inside VZW for that.
If I had to guess, I've done all the right steps, just not in the right order, or not enough times. If I've missed a step or setting, I just couldn't know and that's why I'm looking for the contents of the thread I mentioned. I've been told MANY times, that it contains the proper (and well documented) steps I need.