For those who are wondering why this appears now on the first thread:
© Copyright. Copyright in the pages, screens, text, files and images appearing in this thread is owned by originating owener(s) or others as indicated. The information and materials contained in the thread may not be distributed, licensed, modified, published, reposted, reproduced, reused, sold, transmitted, used to create a derivative work or otherwise used for public or commercial purposes without express written permission of the originating owner(s).
It is to protect the owners and there work in this thread. Some jerk on craigslist was trying to sell these taskbars. Craigslist removed the file after being contacted and shown where the work originated from. If you create it, you own it and all rights to it. If it was a joint effort then the owenrship is shared and everyone is considered co-owners like taskbar 6 elite should someone want to distribute or modify it they would have to have written consent from myself, gadgetfreak and htcleener prior to doing so.