Originally Posted by psyki
Actually I just read a post no2chem made in his thread about the underclocker which mentioned that his battery driver is not accurate at 90%+ battery charge. This is what he said:
"hmm, in regards to losing the 10%, do you have nuePower installed? there is some inaccuracy in the charging routine that causes the power level to drop by 10% (i.e. the battery level will never be 100%). I know that nearly all other phones round UP, but the HTC phones round DOWN. With nuePower you will probably see something like 92-96%."
All I can say about the underclocker is that during heavy use I definitely noticed a marked improvement. I suppose your mileage may vary.
Well, from the time I posted to now, it's already down to 89%. I have exactly the same settings that you have. I haven't been doing anything in particular on the phone.
What's strange is that this hack is working for people.