Re: Is Pre dead with new Touch Flo 3D?
TF3D is just makeup on a pig. WebOS is a complete OS built from the ground up thinking in 2008/2009 terms, not a re-badged OS from years ago playing catchup.
HTC has basically saved MS with its innovations, but it is nothing but a sad testament to how out-dated WM6.x is compared to the competition. And I don't think WM7 is going to be all that either... And I say all of this with nothing but love for WM, lol but Palm is going to do very well for the market. (Btw, I think SPB jumped the shark too with SPB MS 3.0 today...way too many options now, gone is simplicity).
Simply emulating "synergy" as a UI overlay is not a true accomplishment.
Last edited by Malatesta; 04-21-2009 at 02:02 PM.