Originally Posted by Velvis
I have been loving this rom and have a few questions:
1) Is there a way to make the bottom slider non-transparent? (Not the actual slider but underneath it, so the stuff like Yahoo Finance cant be seen from the stocks page, etc.)
2) Is there a way to make the Start Menu goto the Programs Tab rather than the start menu? (I know I have seen this behavior and there are what seems to be a million "start menu fixes" etc. that I have tried, but I cant seem to get it to simply replace the drop down startmenu and instead bring TF3D to the Programs Tab.
3) When I try to install the HTC Album3 cab a few pages back I get an error stating it cant be installed because I dont have sufficent system permissions.
4) I still havent be able to get Opera Mini to install. Any ideas?
1) I'll send you the non-transparent manila slider, let me dig it up...
2) See attached CABs for start menu functionality. One cab will enable the start menu and also hide the programs tab, and the other cab will disable the start menu and show the programs tab. Note: As I've mentioned the reason I have not enabled the start menu is that the "All Settings" button tends to break. Please report back your experience

3) I had the same problem with the Album3 cab, I have built it into the next release.
4) I'm sorry, I have not played around with opera mini... Maybe it is an opera problem? Have you looked for support elsewhere? (not that I'm telling you to bug off :P)
Oops, forgot to attach the cabs.