Originally Posted by Neonderthal
So you can't receive with Arcsoft? Im using that now with the Merdin rom and I still can't get a pic message.
I couldn't get one the second I walked out of the Sprint store! I tried this other software ( the one i posted ) and it works great. All pic messages go to your txt inbox rather than a seperate folder. It is just the way it should be. I get everyone of my pic messages too... sending works perfect too. No lag. I really don't know why Sprint ditched this style for the new crap. I don't even try to use any other mms software, this is it.
+1 for Arcsoft
EDIT.. I actually use this one.(attached).. didnt realize the version numbers were different.. it is zipped up, unzip and remove your other mms software and then install the cab...soft-reset. Done.