Tinting my windows worked nicely to reduce the glare as well as conceal all the electronics and customizations in my vehicle...which include:
Customized Laptop holder (fits inside center console)
Laptop hooked up to Vehicle's Onboard Diagnostics (OBDII/CANS compliant software)
Arkon Vent Mount for 6700.
Cassette adapter attached to 3.5mm Stereo Headphone Adapter with Built-In Mic & Answer Button (to talk on phone via car stereo)
IBlue757 Solar GPS
Logitech 360 WebCam (multiple Velcro attachment points)
TomTomNavigator, MicrosoftStreets&Trips...etc
Rudeo Remote Control coupled with tape adapter to laptop allows remote control of cars stereo.
Now if I can only get my hands on one of these
http://www.wickedlasers.com/Spyder_II_Series-21-1.html I'll be set...